
pixels. gifs/pngs. bgs.
dividers. gyarus. links.click on the titles of each page to go home!
resource carrds: FOR GRAPHICS: watermelon. resource. xyz*. literature. barok. twst. supplies. caterpie*. autism. death. gifs. creep*. wilardo*. pixels*. phonecharm. gifcity. bruh. three. FOR CODES: old codes. new codes. ishimori. pochi. lovespace. ikebukuro.rentries: butter. res. 20by20pride (extra pride flag pixels. knowledge*. vamptism*. lucypix. heartgifs (pride flag heart pixels). rsrcs*. rentry. ulzzang.other sites: wesource*. scripted*. graphic*. tomomi*. jasminnie weebly. engram pixel. y2k. super cute buttons: 1 + 2. f2u toyhouse pride flag pixels. sadthemes pixel masterpost*. oswalds. king-lulu-dear’s pixel art. gothiclolita. neoratz. nyaa. yumenosakiacademy. honeyrolls (pastry PNGs). navigation pixels: 1 + 2. homuhoard*. melps. feelingmachine.moe. beebsrc*. adriansblinkiecollection. cakebatter. lovesick.cafe. sadgirl. hekate + hekate2. asterism. fool lovers. fauxfur.bookmarks: catbox.moe*. remove.bg. coolors. postimg.cc. cobalt.tools*. edge fade borders: 1 + 2. ezgif*. vilamika. glaze (protection from AI art). idioteque*.* - my personal favoritesspecial thanks to everyone here that features my carrd!
(please for the love of god upload your rentry/tumblr profile/personal website in general graphics to catbox.moe or postimg.cc bcuz graphics carrd makers love to delete their carrds for no reason. also don’t upload them to discord iirc they go away after a while they’re not permanent. imgur glitches out too so pls just stick to catbox.moe/postimg.cc)
extra: black gyaru pixels